Monday, October 10, 2011

Folded Ear Cat Shows Superb Support for Creative Endeavors

This is Folded Ear Cat showing support for my exciting lifestyle and creative pursuits. After all, cats know that they lower our blood pressure by their very presence in our homes. Wouldn't we be churlish to ask for more?

She does perk up when I start stuffing catnip toys or playing with yarn.

Also worth interrupting a cat snooze is my attempt to wake up some muscles by popping in a Tracy Anderson DVD and getting down on my exercise mat. Oh, how my un-feline lack of stretchiness causes her to twitch a lip in amusement! Have I once again been a tad over-confident in my ability to return myself to an upright posture? Will she need to create some sort of racket to alert my neighbor that something is amiss?

Such are the questions that can keep a cat awake for minutes at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Betty, I LOVE your blog. I'll be checking in with my coffee often to see what new and wonderful adventures you are up to.
